Thursday, June 14, 2012

Titan's tropical lake hints at hydrocarbon wells

THE Caribbean it ain't, but the "tropical" regions of Saturn's moon Titan seem to harbour lakes of liquid methane. The pools are surprisingly long-lasting, suggesting that they may be replenished by underground wells of hydrocarbons.
The Cassini spacecraft confirmed the presence of liquid-hydrocarbon lakes in Titan's polar regions in 2004, but it was unclear whether similar pools could survive in the moon's marginally warmer lower latitudes - its "tropics" - without evaporating.
Caitlin Griffith and colleagues at the University of Arizona in Tucson analysed the sunlight reflected from Titan's tropical regions, recorded by Cassini. They found a highly reflective oval-shaped black feature, 2400 square kilometres in size. They say the combination of shape and colour is consistent with a liquid methane lake (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature11165). If it is a lake, it is long-lived, persisting since at least 2004, through both rainy and dry seasons. This means it's unlikely to be a big rain puddle and could be fed by hydrocarbon wells, say the researchers.
Jonathan Lunine, a planetary scientist at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, says such lakes might be good habitats for simple life, but that Titan's larger polar lakes are better candidates.

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