Thursday, November 29, 2012


1) If you've got an itch in your throat, scratch your ear. When the
nerves in the ear get stimulated, they create a reflex in the throat
that causes a muscle spasm, which cures the itch.
2) Having trouble hearing someone at a party or on the phone?

Use your right ear it's better at picking up rapid speech. But, the left is better at picking up music tones.
3) If you need to relieve yourself BADLY, but you're not anywhere
near a bathroom, fantasize about RELATIONS. That preoccupies your brain and distracts it.
4) Next time the doctor's going to give you an injection, COUGH as
the needle is going in. The cough raises the level of pressure in your spinal canal, which limits the pain sensation as it tries to travel to your brain.
5) Clear a stuffed nose or relieve sinus pressure by pushing your
tongue against the roof of your mouth then pressing a finger between your eyebrows. Repeat that for 20 seconds it causes the vomer bone to rock, which loosens your congestion and clears you up.
6) If you ate a big meal and you're feeling full as you go to sleep,
lay on your left side. That'll keep you from suffering from acid reflux it keeps your stomach lower than your esophagus, which will helps keep stomach acid from sliding up your throat.
7) You can stop a toothache by rubbing ice on the back of your
hand, on the webbed area between your thumb and index finger.
The nerve pathways there stimulate a part of the brain that blocks
pain signals from your mouth.
8) If you get all messed up on liquor, and the room starts spinning, put your hand on something stable. The reason: Alcohol dilutes the blood in the part of your ear called the cupula, which regulates balance. Putting your hand on something stable gives your brain another reference point, which will help make the world stop spinning.
9) Stop a nose bleed by putting some cotton on your upper gums right behind the small dent below your nose and press against it hard. Most of the bleeding comes from the cartilage wall that divides the nose, so pressing there helps get it to stop.
10) Nervous? Slow your heart rate down by blowing on your thumb. The vagus nerve controls your heart rate, and you can calm it down by breathing.
11) Need to breathe underwater for a while? Instead of taking a huge breath, HYPERVENTILATE before you go under, by taking a bunch of short breaths. That'll trick your brain into thinking it has more oxygen, and buy you about 10 extra seconds.
12) You can prevent BRAIN FREEZE by pressing your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as much surface area as possible. Brain freeze happens because the nerves in the roof of your mouth get extremely cold, so your brain thinks your whole body is cold. It compensates by overheating which causes your head to hurt. By warming up the roof of your mouth, you'll chill your brain and feel better.
13) If your hand falls asleep, rock your head from side to side. That'll wake your hand or arm up in less than a minute. Your hand falls asleep because of the nerves in your neck compressing so loosening your neck is the cure. If your foot falls asleep, that's governed by nerves lower in the body, so you need to stand up and walk around.
14) Finally, this one's totally USELESS, but a nice trick. Have someone stick their arm out to the side, straight, palm down. Press down on his wrist with two fingers. He'll resist, and his arm will stay horizontal. Then, have him put his foot on a surface that's half an inch off the ground, like a stack of magazines, and do the trick again. Because his spine position is thrown off, his arm will fall right to his side, no matter how much he tries to resist.
15) Got the hiccups? Press thumb and second finger over your
eyebrows until the hiccups are over - usually, in a short while.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Interesting Facts About Sperm

• Intricate sperm production

Sperm is produced in the testes in the small structures called epididymis. During sexual arousal, the muscles push sperm from these structures through a tube called vas deferens. Here the sperm is mixed with other fluids, such as those from the prostate gland, the seminal vesicles and the Cowper's gland that all make up semen. Only one percent of the semen is actually sperm, the rest is fructose, amino acids, vitamin C, calcium, protein, sodium, zinc and citric acid.

• How sperm is welcomed

Couple's chances of successful conception depend not only on sperm's quality, but the environment, where it gets in. Sperm can be viable in alkaline conditions, while most of the time cervical mucus is acidic, meaning that sperm cannot survive in it. However, prior and during ovulation, time which is favorable for conception, the pH of woman's cervical mucus becomes sperm-friendly environment, allowing it to swim and fertilize the egg.

• High temperatures and sperm

Don't wear tight underwear, put your laptop near your privates or take warm baths. Men often hear those warnings, but what's the problem with heat? Nature is wise, that's why man's testicles are located outside the body, where temeperature is lower than inside the body. The thing is that sperm is made only at lower temperatures. When the scrotal temperature increases, it can damage sperm, thus your chances of conceiving a baby.

• Sperm allergy

If sex is not a source of pleasure for you, but rather make your privates swell, itch and result in other icky symptoms, you may be one of those rare people, who suffer from sperm allergy. Women, who are allergic to sperm, are actually allergic to particular protein in the semen. There are even cases when a man is allergic to his own semen, having flulike symptoms after ejaculation. Interestingly, semen allergy is treated with semen, but very small amounts of it.

• Sperm's lifespan

It takes around 10 weeks for the sperm to reach maturity. Once the sperm is inside the woman's body it can live up to 5 days or even longer under favorable conditions. However, when it is outside the body, it can only survive from few minutes to several hours.

• Male and female sperm

There is an equal number of male and female sperm. The female sperm (X sperm) is slower, but stronger, while the male sperm (Y sperm) is faster, but weaker

• Taste of the semen

It is believed that food man eats, affects the taste of his semen. Fruits are known to make semen taste better, while meat, dairy, coffee, onion and garlic can make semen taste bitter or acidic. Other things like smoking, medications, hygiene may also affect the taste of semen.

• Unused sperm

Every day a man produces about 70 to 150 million sperm, while during ejaculation he can produce from 200 to 500 million sperm. But what happens, if man does not have sex or masturbates? In this case, the sperm is broken down and reabsorbed by the body with all its nutrients and its untapped potential.

• Lucky guy

A healthy male produces up to 150 million sperm every day. And while the average ejaculate contains as much as a quarter billion sperm, the route to the egg is not an easy one. There are a lot of obstacles, such as unfavorable conditions of the vagina or the wrong direction it takes to the other fallopian tube. Only about a hundred of sperm can make it closer to the egg and only one: the strongest and the fastest, fertilizes the egg.

• Unfailing supply of sperm

While women are born with the limited amount of eggs, men can never run out of sperm. In fact, men can renew their sperm supply just after 15 minutes after ejaculation. However, it should be mentioned that with the age the quality of sperm may become a bit worse with greater number of slower swimmers and more sperm with DNA damage.

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